About Us - Momasolar

MOMA Solar always considers the future of our planet. Our product range has a primary focus on sustainability and functionality. We aim to reassure our customers that the technology associated with solar energy is now a reliable and highly sought after lighting solution.

To maintain this we keep updating, adapting and changing our products and services to better fit our evolving market.

We aim to make solar energy an accessible resource to all, saving money, reducing carbon footprints and lowering energy use and costs within Australia and internationally. 

MOMA Solar aims to solve the challenges associated with the environmental impact of traditional lighting solutions (both temporary and permeant). Our lights boast low impact solutions to these traditional lighting methods. Our Pop-Up lighting set up is a no dig, no fuel, no cables solution to temporary lighting that littles little to no trace once moved where as our permeant lighting solutions only require the pole to be buried and supported without needing to dig long trenches for underground wiring and disturbing concert ground and driveways to install. This low impact focus solves many logistical issues that come alongside choosing the best lighting options for your given project. From cutting down labour costs to reducing transportation costs, our lighting solutions work hard to solve multiple challenges in their given sectors.

Wherever possible we try to ensure our products are Australian made. Items such as our pop-up bases and poles are made and manufactured in Australia, supporting Australian businesses and feeding back into the Australian economy.

Check out our listing on the Australian Owned directory

We are located in Perth, Western Australia with our Warehouse and office located in Canning Vale (1/3-5 McElligott Ct Canning Vale WA 6155, Australia.)

You are always free to give us a call on 0861413204 or send us an email through info@momasolar.com.au. We also have enquiry pages located throughout the website that you can use to submit to us any questions your have, orders you'd like to place or service/product inquiry's that you may have.

Here at MOMA Solar we provide services such as an in house engineer that can help plan large scale projects effectively and efficiently at no cost to the customer as well as troubleshooting and customer support. Our goal is to ensure that our customer gets their product and uses their product for long beyond its lifespan. With proper care and repairs we can work with you to ensure your products are a long term lighting solution.

For more information on how we reduce our E-waste see our Suitability and Policies page.

80% of all our products are manufactured here in Australia! We try and locally source our supplies to cut down further on costs to the customer as well as cut down on lead times and transportation costs.
